Friday, November 7, 2014

Winter of Zombie 2014: Jay Wilburn

You're reading Books, Beer and Blogshit! It's the only blog that won't smack you twice and call you Sally. We are you're blog hosts, Mr. Frank and Mr. Jeff!

You've just walked in to the dead of Winter. The dead of The Winter of Zombie blog tour that is. Our second chilling zombie author interview is with the one and only Jay Wilburn. We are told he is awesome.

Results may vary. Judge for yourself. 

The Blogshit:  Welcome to the Winter of Zombie Blog Tour stop at Books, Beer and Blogshit. Do you have new tales to tell in the dead of winter 2014?
Jay Wilburn:  I have a story featured in Zombies: More Recent Dead with Prime Books. I’m currently working on a novelized prequel to that story. Also my zombie novella collection Zombies Believe in You is out.

The Blogshit:   Have your zombies had to face a freezing cold winter yet? If so, how do your particular breed of zombies react to cold, harsh winters?
Jay Wilburn:  I’ve done some icy zombie stories. I like to use human body heat against the characters. The poor survivors in my story had to some frigid extremes to hide themselves and go one surviving.

The Blogshit:  Does or will, Winter figure into your zombie world or do you figure what you will tackle will be unaffected biologically or geographically?
Jay Wilburn:  It should. I’ve seen a lot of stories that try to make it an advantage for people. I think the better story is finding the way a story setting produces new challenges and problems for the living. Winter has historically been a rough time for humans and survival. That is a biological reality for our species.

The Blogshit:   Do you yourself live in a part of the world that is affected by the cold of winter?
Jay Wilburn:  I live the South where our reaction to Winter weather makes us the laughing stock of the world. I think this video I took of a day we had school canceled for oncoming Winter weather will really help you appreciate how difficult our survival really was:

I’m just thankful to still be alive, you know?

The Blogshit:  In the summertime we talk about zombie sandwiches. We think in the winter it’s time to talk about zombie ice cream. What crazy zombie inspired ice cream flavor can you come up with?
Jay Wilburn:  Brainy Splatter Swirl … Lime green, raspberry, and pineapple with chunks … This is basically just rainbow sherbet, I know, but I think it tracks.

There he is. Jay Wilburn is awesome we are told. And we have no reason not to believe. You can go believe for yourselves. Please check out Jay Wilburn in all his glory at:

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