Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer of Zombie Blog Tour 2014: Sarah Lyons Fleming

You're reading Books, Beer and Blogshit! Its the only blog that enjoys telling little white lies. I am your blog host that wishes he were a real boy, Mr. Frank!

We've made it! This is the final day of the Summer of Zombie Blog Tour 2014 interviews. So to end the whole shebang we've chosen Sarah Lyons Fleming so we can go out like a lion. See what I did there?

Sarah Lyons Fleming is a Mexican luchadora masquerading as La Cobra Toxico in the Juarez leagues. She currently has twenty seven wins and very questionable loss. When she is not busy wrestling, she enjoys kite fighting, box knitting and synchronized bicycle riding with her pit bull, Philomena.

Actually, none of that is true (to the best of my knowledge.)  Sarah Lyons Fleming writes about zombies. The rest of the facts she will fill in, in the final installment of the Books, Beer and Blogshit Summer of Zombie 2014 interview!

Books, Beer and Blogshit:  Are you a survivor or one of the undead?

Sarah Lyons Fleming:  Well, I’ve got extra food, ammo and some survival skills, so I’d like to say survivor. But I’ve also got two kids, so there’s a good chance I’m dying for them.

The Blogshit:  What is your latest piece of zombie fiction we should be concerning ourselves with?

Sarah Lyons Fleming:  My Until the End of the World series:

Until the End of the World: Book 1
So, Long Lollipops: A novella about one of the characters that takes place “off camera.”
And After: Book 2

The Blogshit:  Do you feel you are a classic or progressive type of zombie fiction writer?

Sarah Lyons Fleming:  I’d say classic in that the zombies are slow and lumbering. Progressive(ish) in that it’s chick-lit and focuses more on romance and relationships (platonic and not) between the characters. There’s a lot of homesteading and prepping as well.

The Blogshit:  What makes your zombies different from all others?

Sarah Lyons Fleming:  I think they’re pretty similar in that they drive the story along, but there’s not a ton of gore in my books.

The Blogshit:  What makes your living different from all the others?

Sarah Lyons Fleming:  They’re real and full of emotion. They laugh and cry and act the way we all do—Which is to say sometimes they’re amazing people and sometimes they’re jerks.

The Blogshit:  Do you think it's important, in this climate, to run with the pack or really try to reinvent the wheel in zombie fiction?

Sarah Lyons Fleming:  I think the only important thing is to have a good story and characters. If you do, it doesn’t matter because people will enjoy it.

The Blogshit:  Zombie fiction seems heavily dependent upon working within the construct of a series. Do you feel that is the way that makes it work best for you or do you think there is still room for stand alone stories?

Sarah Lyons Fleming:  I wrote the first book as a standalone, but it grew from there. I think there is definitely room for a standalone story. However, I like when a story continues and think most readers do, too. I love my world and will be sad to leave it when book 3 is finished.

The Blogshit:  Are you ever afraid of being pigeon-holed in this zombie fiction genre?

Sarah Lyons Fleming:  No, I love zombies and everything post-apocalyptic, so I wouldn’t be upset to be pigeon-holed in the genre. I wouldn’t feel pigeon-holed. 

The Blogshit:  For your next zombie story, stand alone or series, do you think you will need to go sicker or smarter to keep it going?

Sarah Lyons Fleming:  I think different. A different group of characters and different types of relationships is more what I’m thinking.

The Blogshit:  On last year's tour, we asked about what to put on your zombie sandwich. This year, we want to know: What special ingredients would you use to pickle the pickles on your zombie sandwich?

Sarah Lyons Fleming:  I make and home-can a mean bread and butter pickle. I expect to be eating them on my post-apocalyptic zombie sandwich. Or the people who’ve killed us for our supplies will be enjoying them on their sandwiches. You never know.

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